We are currently casting the following parts for a 30 second spec.
Two Men (late 20’s — early 30’s):
Appear to be in entry to mid-level “corporate” jobs. Their hair is trimmed and they are both clean cut. They each wear polo shirts and business casual attire. Any ethnicity.
Mad Scientist (30’s and up — age is open):
This character is an oddball. Think Doc Brown from Back to the Future (http://imdb.to/1calaAA), Tom Green (http://imdb.to/14yvjpb), and Marty Feldman (http://imdb.to/143I3Ah). This character is wild-eyed, wears an oversized lab coat, and his hair is a mess.
Auditions are to be held Wednesday 9/4 (3pm – 6pm) by appointment (we’ll try to accommodate appointments on other days as well on a case by case basis), and the shoot day is Wednesday 9/11.
If interested and available, please forward a message (along with a headshot and brief resume) to septemberspec@gmail.com.
Thank you!
Audition Date: Wednesday 9/4
Shoot Date: Wednesday 9/11
Project: 30 second spec